Top Ideas For Personalized Stress Ball Designs And Shapes

Working with stress relief balls as your promotional item allows you much room for flexibility. You can get creative and try out a number of different designs. The goal is to achieve a more customized product that is practical to the intended client and carries the desired corporate look. To make your promotional campaign effective, you will need an appealing design as well as a unique one. There are a number of companies also using the stress balls and you will need varied ideas to differentiate your company look from competitors.

The design and shape of your stress balls depends on the targeted customers. Major groups include young people, ladies, men, white collar employees and those in outdoor careers. Another major determiner is your business. Companies working in the home industry will have balls designed according to those lines while health companies and hospitality companies will also model their personalized stress balls in shapes representing the industry.

For companies dealing in home construction and home accessories, some top shapes include house shapes, furniture, accessories such as bath tubs and toilet seats among others. You can use this opportunity to show case mini models of your new products and designs. Health services have already made use of the brain stress ball shape. Another good idea for this industry is the heart shaped stress ball. These two are unique, offer much enough printing space and are portable.

For sports industries or when looking for designs to match outdoor personalities, sports balls come in handy. There is a wide selection variety from soccer balls, rugby balls to tennis and golf shaped balls. All these can be branded in the corporate colors and logos. They can also be made into a promotion asset at various events the recipients visit.

Young people and kids can be quite a challenge when thinking of meeting their need. However, their stress ball options are also plenty. The personalized stress balls suitable for them can be made from movie actors, super heroes and other comic characters. This allows for a more personalized approach and perfect gifts for the target audience.

You can also widen the scope of functions of the brain stress ball to the user. This is by incorporating other tools and devices in the design. In other instances, like the use of comics, the balls are not only stress relievers but also sources of fun and entertainment. For adults, you can attach devices like a pen to the balls. You can also have roll back calendars inserted as well as top watches. The list of devices to integrate depends on their availability and cost of design. The additional devices while increasing the appeal of gift also helps in differentiating them from others thus creating more exposure to your brand

To get the best designs and shapes, research first to know what other companies are offering. See which ideas you can borrow and how to make your stress relief balls unique. You will also have to get a good manufacturer who can meet the customization demands.

How Stress Balls Work To Relieve Stress

Modern life has come to accept daily stress as part of it. When unchecked, this has negative health implications. Stress has been found to be a major contributing factor to cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. While there are several other techniques to combat stress including exercising, the use of stress balls is more popular due to their portability and ease of use. They can be used in the office, at home, while travelling or when resting on vacation. They are made from a wide range of material including rubber, foam, gel and polyurethane.

Stress ballsThis technique helps overcome stress by reducing muscle tension thus relaxing the muscles. Hand muscles contract when one grips and squeezes a stress ball. With relaxed muscles, settling down is easy and stress relieved. This action also helps boost blood circulation around the body. With improved blood flow the nervous system is rejuvenated bringing more benefits to the body. These benefits include an improved memory and better sleep since the body is at peace.

Secondly, the brain stress balls help divert attention from the troubling issue. Working on the ball turns the focus to the ball. This helps prevent too much dwelling on a single issue which build up anxiety and stress levels. It also normalizes ones breathing and the heart pressure. With these two working optimally, more oxygen reaches the body tissues aiding in their cooling. The squeezing action also helps reduce pain and aches on the hand joints. The stress balls are thus useful for people whose work entails much use of hands hence causing strain on the wrists and fingers.

In order to make the most of a stress ball, companies have added them to their marketing campaigns. The balls offer several options to a business consumer and a business needs to consider the following factors to maximize all the available options. First, the business has to get the brain stress balls in batches customized to different clients. The utility of the balls should match the target clients.

A business should also identify which segment of its corporate look it wants to leave out and which one it will include. The corporate color may not be fitting to the target audience thus it may necessitate a use of a brighter color or feminine color. This may happen in the case of children or feminine targets.

The other important factors a business should consider are the shape and design of the stress ball. Balance should be struck between the customizing of the ball to suit the client as well as maintaining the overall corporate outlook of the firm. It is also important for the company to know the avenues through which they will distribute the balls to their customers. Much of the decision depends on the Brain Stress Ballnumber of customers and clients available. Fairs and ceremonies and seasons gifts are some of the ways companies use to distribute the brain stress balls. These toys allow a business to impact on the health of their customers while marketing its business brand.

Advantages Of Using Customized Stress Balls In Product Promotion

Customized stress balls have been rated the third most popular promotional items used by businesses today. They can fit any company and a wide range of marketing efforts. The average size of a single stress ball is about 70mm in length and they have a width of about 45mm. However, there is no limit to the size with the guiding principle being something that can fit in the hand of the customer.

Promotional stress balls offer various benefits to the companies and consumers. To the recipients, the benefit is health wise. Given the increase of stress related diseases and the fact that stress is an everyday occurrence, a stress ball is an effective solution and will be cherished by the customers. To the businesses, the benefits include the following:

  • Functionality – All promotional products have to be used by the customers often if not on a daily basis. This allows the product to be exposed more often and thus availing the brand more exposure. Customized balls are portable and solve a daily problem faced by a wide variety of clients.
  • Size of printing area – Unlike other promotional items, custom balls offer greater size for printing without compromising on their portability. The logo and business slogan can be easily fitted on the exposed surface in an easy to read font size.
  • Flexibility – Promotional stress balls offer flexibility in two major areas, color and shape. The balls can be made in any color and come in many different shapes. You will be able to incorporate all the colors of your company fully. You can also customize the shapes to suit the needs of the recipients of the gifts. This increases the effectiveness of the gift in a promotional campaign.
  • Cost – Customized stress balls are among the cheapest form of promotional items. There are also huge discounts for bulk purchases. This allows a firm to give out many of these gifts which in turn increases their awareness as well as satisfying a majority of their clients. The low cost also make the stress balls available as a promotional material to small and medium businesses.
  • Versatile – Stress balls are versatile in the sense of the clients who can use them. They are useful to adults and young people. Even the old aged can still use them. This is because they address an issue that traverses all population demographics. As such they save the company on having to look for different promotional items to satisfy each segment of their clients. All they have to do is customize the balls for the different segments.

Any company can take advantage of these benefits of promotional stress balls. All a company needs is to come up with a budget and identify the target customers. They then seek a specialized stress ball supplier who helps in the designing and selection of appropriate shapes. Once this is achieved and samples approved the company proceeds with the purchase and distribution of the balls.